I have yet to post some family photos--
So, here they are!
Here's a photo of me, my lovely wife, Kelly, and our children: Hannah, Jack and the li'l newcomer, Kate:

Here's Hannah, recently. She's almost 4, going on Teenager in mentality.
Cutie, though, huh?

These photos are of my son, Jackson. It's his first barbershop haircut; Jack and I had our hair cut together, and he was a little trooper. He never so much as frowned the whole time.

Here's Kate! (Katherine Lorraine). Newborn, she arrived July 30th, 7 lbs, 0 oz, 19 inches long. Cute as a button, if I do say so myself.

Family is why we fight Terrorists, and family is also why it's such a challenge to leave and be gone for weeks or months at a time.
I will only deploy for short terms, whereas we have some young marines who have had two or three longer stints in Iraq and Afghanistan, with more on the horizon. It has to be incredibly difficult.